MG-30 : Lots of potential, but too early released.
It is a really good product with a lots of potential, however... QuickTone software and connecting to PC are very unreliable and cause the unit to hang and generate strange noises, and MG must be rebooted almost each time. To make it working with PC wasn´t straighforward also as promised. The driver(s) from Nux seem to be ureliable too and have problems with compatibility with other products it looks like.
Lack of touch screen is definitely a minus. The drum machine lacks metronome option. The drum machine can't be fully controlled outside the looper. When the looper is used together with rhythm and the looper is stopped, then the rhythm stops too.
The chassis and overall built quality seems to be quite good though. Nux could make the unit's chassis slightly bigger though and add two more footswitches instad of adding them as a separate controller, I think.
Interface is very nice and quite easy, though it takes a moment to remember all the tricks how to use it as each button/knob can be used for multiple options. Also working with the effect chain directly on the unit is not very intuitive in the fist moment, but it does not take long to learn it.
Expression pedal is set by default as volume pedal which is always on, I don't know why.
If Nux will fix and improve the QuickTone app and connectivity with PC, plus add metronome and correct, improve the firmware it might be actually a really great, small, portable effect.
Overall, good value for money.

Technical Data
- Manufactured by Nux
- Released in 2021
- Average price : $304
- Dimensions : 313mm x 166mm x 54mm
- Weight : 1500g
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