Best Antares Auto-Tune Essentials 12 Months Alternatives

We found 10 alternatives to Antares Auto-Tune Essentials 12 Months based on experts and consumers reviews.

Waves Abbey Road Reverb Plates

Waves Abbey Road Reverb Plates

Based on 3 reviews

This is an Abbey Road plugin so no need to say anything more where quality is concerned. What matters is that this is a fantastic sounding reverb for the appropriate application. The interface is very easy to figure out and use and there are lots of options for tweak ability. The one thing to be aware of - in my experience - is that it can be quite heavy on the processor. My MAC is an older 8 core intel xeon, but still a rather powerful computer. One way around this would be to print your reverb effect as an audio track. Other than that minor quibble, it is a great option to have in your arsenal.

Waves SSL 4000 Collection

Waves SSL 4000 Collection

Based on 3 reviews

This collection from waves is Possibly the finest plug that I used to mix with to date. it adds space, depth and warmth to everything I have mixed thus far. As soon as I got the licences through from Waves I was up and running. The compressor on the E Channel is very handy and easily dialed in, as is the on board gate/expander. There is an input and output gain controls and a phase switch. Sweepable high, and low pass filters, along with sweepable high, high/mid, low/mid, and low filters make for a powerfull EQ all in the same plug. Adjustable Q on the mid filters, and bell or shelf settings on the high and low filters make it even more usefull. The G Channel is more or less the same setup, with a much cleaner, un-colored sound. The SSL Master bus comp is included and is a fantastic...

Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machines

Slate Digital Virtual Tape Machines

Based on 3 reviews

Slate VTM is an alaogue tape emulation plugin. The concept is very simple; you get a few different tape types, speed, biases.. basically everything you would find on a real tape machine, except with all the flexibility of a digital audio plugin. Like the VCC, VTM is a specific and simple sonic tool. It will prove invaluable when sculpting your sounds and finding places for your sounds in the soundscape. It is however an 'end-game' plugin, meaning that it can do wonders for your well-recorded and mixed material, but it won't magically turn all of your recordings into gold. The saturation and natural compression on this plugin is exquisite. It is very natural and musical indeed. I usually find that it's at its best when used on a bus, especially for drums. It likes to 'chew' on...

Sonnox Oxford Drum Gate

Sonnox Oxford Drum Gate

Based on 3 reviews

If you are recording acoustic drums then this product will seriously speed up your workflow. This gate is seriously good at what it does. Rather than acting purely on a volume threshold like a traditional gate, you tell it whether the incoming signal is kick, snare or toms and it intelligently picks them out. If it does miss things you can manually 'teach' it to pick up certain hits. It's not perfect, but it's a LOT quicker and easier than any other gate I've used. It could maybe do with a few more features, but actually the simplicity is part of its charm. I like the fact that it does one thing very well. The only down side I've found is the iLok Cloud activation. It gives you two licences, but with the Cloud activation you can only use one at a time. Plus, once I'd authorised the...

Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain

Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain

Based on 2 reviews

with a little experience one can achieve a really good master track with this. Clarity very versitile, covering all types of music from acoustic subtlety to pumping house master track it offers a a frequency palette i had never experienced. the presets ain't bad either. pros has mid side chain and a filter limiter/compressor relationship that reduces subfrequency hum or subsequent lack of clarity in the mix. this is hard to achieve with other plugins. a crystal clear miiix in a few clicks. Ive also been using it as an instrument pos///preamp For electric guitar you can achieve almost any guitar sound. nice tube like warmth on a vocal, and nice round subtle/HEAVY bass compression even on a bass synth. matching frequency relationships is simple with this. cons took a while to be able to...

Arturia FX Collection 3

Arturia FX Collection 3

Based on 2 reviews

This is a wonderful bundle and yes - you do actually end up using them all the time! For two reasons: 1) They've got your major bases convered; Pre's, EQ, Compression, Modulation, Delay and Reverb. The addition of saturation/distortion is great as well. 2) They sound FAN-TAS-TIC! I own pretty much every plugin out there from developers such as Plugin Alliance, Softube, Universal Audio, Waves, Sonnox, D-16, Focusrite, you name it. These are up there with the very best. Obviously, you are going to use some of these more than others, but to be completely honest, the price point for this bundle is amazing. For me, the V76 pre-amp in combination with the Tube-STA is worth the price of admission on their own. Stunning, stellar, amazing bundle. My rig has yet to suffer under the CPU load, but...

Synchro Arts VocALign Ultra

Synchro Arts VocALign Ultra

Based on 2 reviews

This thing sounds sooooo good. Aligning vocal dubs and harmonies with this is way more efficient than doing it all manually with Melodyne or similar software. And the result is great - I usually don't hear any artefacts in the context of a mix. The knob for adjusting tightness is very useful. I've had quite a few Logic sessions crash when using it however, so that's pretty annoying. It usually isn't a major problem, but I have made a habit of saving every time before I apply it just in case. Overall it's an incredibly useful and (mostly) intuitive tool that makes vocal production so much smoother. Great stuff!

Waves CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter

Waves CLA-3A Compressor / Limiter

Based on 2 reviews

I mix music within Pro Tools and Logic Pro X. I am very familiar with Waves CLA76 compressors and those are my most favourite! However I was looking for something similar, but not too heavy hitting for Guitars. The compressor is very easy to use, and in my experience it is not hard to get a great sound from it either, provided your recorded source is all good. I use this plugin on Guitars mainly and I love how you can get the 'tightness' and emphasis on the pick attack, but not totally kill your low end. It's a nice middle ground between the 76 and 2A. Cons - The analogue emulation. I'm personally not a fan of this feature and don't really see a great use for adding unnecessary hiss in my tracks.

Soundtoys Tremolator

Soundtoys Tremolator

Based on 1 reviews

I have been using amp sims through my computer for a while. I've learned 2 important things about amp sim plugins I've tried: spring reverb and tremolo aren't really accurate or musical. Since I cut my teeth on a mid-60's valve amp that had both an excellent spring and trem, I've noticed something missing in sims, no matter how good the amp/cab model is. It doesn't sound 'right' to me without a proper spring tank and tremolo. The question I asked myself was whether this tremolo would be able to match hardware for musicality. The Tremolator goes beyond, into depths I don't really need to delve, at least for a nice tremolo on a Fender-ish amp sim. I am not so sure a hardware trem will beat it, even at basic settings. I got it on sale, so it was absolutely worth it, to me. As for...

tc electronic PEQ 3000-DT

tc electronic PEQ 3000-DT

Based on 1 reviews

my new secret tool, let everyone use the fabfilters and whatever... will all sound the same, this one has a pretty nice different character when compared with other eq's like, it's a tad cleaner than the softube 4000 console 1 that i mainly use for mixing, now i'll sometimes change to this one eq'ing was pretty amazed the first day then tried it the 2nd day, the controller is also nice and the features are pretty easy to access the display works perfect... in combo with the Dyn 3000 now on busses i get the sound that i need, even when being sceptical about the brand, let's hope they'll update this for years to come.

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