Best Chauvet DJ CHS2XX durable carry bag Alternatives
We found 2 alternatives to Chauvet DJ CHS2XX durable carry bag based on experts and consumers reviews.
Eliminator F4 PAR Bag (Flat PAR Bag 4)

Based on 1 reviews
For me, more polstery is needed, if used with moving heads, but in general, a nice bag.
Eurolite Softbag for 6x LED Party Tube

Based on 1 reviews
They designed the tube with such a huge on/off button that it takes away 2cm space, totally unnecessary and wrong design choice, and now only way to fit it in this bag is to remove one side of the soft filling. Otherwise tubes will turn themselves on/off all the time because the button is almost like touch sensitive, but at the same time it's huge and mechanical. I would really like to know who designed it. How this design passed the inspection, testing. Mystery. Positive about this bag, it's light, very fragile but really light. Anyone carrying Astera tubes 8x case knows what I'm talking about. Not yet sure if 6x charges will fit, if they don't I'll update my review.