Best Der Mann mit der Maschine Convertible Multiple Alternatives
We found 5 alternatives to Der Mann mit der Maschine Convertible Multiple based on experts and consumers reviews.
Doepfer A-180-2 Multiples

Based on 17 reviews
One thing to note firstly is that despite a lot of what you might read in product information on this and other sites the design of this module has changed slightly. When it is shipped from the factory the middle solder bridge between the two groups of four sockets is not joined, so it is now shipped as standard functioning as two groups of four interconnected jack sockets. If you require an eight-way mult you simply have to join the two groups together at the back of the panel. Just a line of solder will do the job. There's not much to say about this unit, other than the build quality is great - as you would expect from Doepfer - and the unit is competitively priced. I don't see any reason to pay more for equivalent modules from other manufacturers, in which case you would simply be...
Behringer 994 Multiples

Based on 2 reviews
There are currently Behringer System 55 modules (attenuator panel and mixer) which have “multiples” and one or two in the Behringer System 100 line. However this little module was very useful for a pair of v-trigger to s-trigger convertors... with triple s-trigger outputs. I’m not usually into voiding warrantees but made an exception here. I turned my 994 Into a v-trigger to triple s-trigger convertor needed for up to three 911 envelope generators. You can make this mod on one or both multiples as needed. Essentially you use the same v to s trigger circuit commonly available in any google search, although I did ignore the BJT version circuit in favor of an nFET solution (2N7000) rather than the BJT. I did this because an nFET pulls tighter to ground. One single trace cut...
Doepfer A-181 Multiples 2

Based on 1 reviews
So say you're a guitarist or keyboard player and pick up a little tiptop or Synthrotek eurorack case in order to make use of the great effects modules in eurorack land? Mutable Clouds, one of the best granular synthesis entities ever, has its own pre-amp and volume gain, not too hard to get a guitar signal in and then start FSU right? Well in reality, you'll need a Mono big to little adapter for the guitar, and then you're dealing with two Mono little jacks at output, and adapters sticking out of sockets are notably frail, one wrong elbow could break the lot! So this module lets you take a Mono signal into your clouds (and another Mono in for another module?) and then you can return your signal to a stereo standard jack, which you could maybe break out to an RCA cable or whatever you...
XAOC Devices Warna II

Based on 1 reviews
It takes a bit of effort to work out exactly what this module can do, but once you have it worked out it's intuitive. You get two 1 > 4 active mults. One 4 > 1 mixer. Audio or VC. If you want to mult a signal as well as mixing it, the normalisation available can handle that. ...there's only unity gain available, but the point is that it has precision accuracy, so no problem to use it with voltages that are already quantised. Additionally the input to each mult can be inverted if desired, again it's a precision operation so good for 1v/oct signals. Nicely made, skiff friendly and looks suitably impressive.
Behringer 173 Quad Gate/Multiples

Based on 6 reviews
In purely functional terms, this is quite a basic module, but does the job it is intended to do, and does it well. The multis do as multis should, and I like the horizontal layout as every other multi I own is vertical. The gates function correctly, although I’ve not really found too much time to use them for anything exceptional as yet. Hooked up to a 2hp Turing Machine they produced a few interesting trigger effects, and the inverse gates offer some interesting rhythmic options. The overall build quality is surprisingly good. This is a sold enough unit despite being mostly plastic. Not exactly an equivalent to the quality of the original Roland modules or the System 500, but for an entry level product it’s very well made. If only they’d sort out their release schedule...