Best Jupiter JFH1100RQ Flugelhorn Alternatives
We found 4 alternatives to Jupiter JFH1100RQ Flugelhorn based on experts and consumers reviews.
Adams Sonic Flugel Horn

Based on 2 reviews
I was looking for a solid Flugel horn with the good sounding and the good intonation, for a while now . Considering the fact that i am a poor artist who do not simply "pick the money from the trees", the custom instruments are not an easy buy, but rather the unreachable dream. So i had to look for a professional instrument that would fulfill my standards but also not make me financially miserable. Needlessness to say that i found exactly what i was looking for in the Adams Sonic flugel horn! For the reasonable price i am now free to enjoy the new instrument with the good sound, feeling of the easy playing and the good intonation. I would always recommend it to all the players, who are into the practical and not into the show off kind of instruments, but in need for a...
Adams F5 Copper Selected 060 L

Based on 1 reviews
This horn is beautiful and sweet sounding. The fit and finish is top quality. All my valves and slides move freely right out of the box. The previous reviewer might have gotten a bad sample. The flugelhorn plays and sounds open. It is very rich sounding with a deep voice. Its sound is not overly dark or bright but very rich and complex. Intonation is great as well. Upper register is easier to play than the Yamaha 8315G I tested in a music store. Overall, a lovely lovely flugelhorn. Looks good and plays even better!
Yamaha YFH-8310 ZG 02 Flugelhorn

Based on 1 reviews
The YFH8310ZG has an amazing warm and rich tone while still being very responsive. The finish and workmanship are flawless. I was quite surprised by how light the instrument is. The provided mouthpiece produces a nice sound buy I prefer the Denis Wick 4FL it produces a richer and more mellow sound. I've read many negative comments about the valve cap screw thread but personally I'm not finding any issue with this, it doesn't feel any different from the other horns that I have - although because of the bottom sprung construction I find it helpful to keep the valves pressed down half-way while screwing the cap. The case is beautiful and robust, the only thing I don't like about it is that when stored horizontally, the valves are tilted downwards.
Schilke Bb- Flugelhorn silver plated

Based on 2 reviews
Schilke are renowned for the quality of their instruments, and this is no different. The valves are silky smooth right out of the box, and only get better as they break in. Usefully, Schilke ship the 1040FL with two tuning pipes, one for each of the common tapers used on flugelhorn mouthpieces; for those players who already have a flugelhorn mouthpiece they're happy with, this avoids the need for a 'mouthpiece safari', or going to the hassle and expense of getting a copy of the existing mouthpiece made with a different shank. The 1040FL is extremely comfortable to hold, and the trigger is ergonomically placed to allow for easy fine tuning of the low C# and D.