Kerry Whistles Optima Cobre Soprano D
Soprano Whistle in D
Latest User Reviews
2 years ago
Very easy to play
This whistle requires almost no lung capacity to play. It has a nice sound, but it is nothing like the Busker High D l just bought. It responds very well, but being a lot thinner than the Busker the sound is very different. I would recommend to watch the videos that can be found on the Kerrywhistle website. There you will finf reviews and sound samples of all the whistles they make. This will give you an impression about how the whistles sound.
Technical Data
- Manufactured by Kerry Whistles
- Released in 2020
- Average price : $120
- Flageolett in two parts
- Made of a mixture of ABS plastic and a copper alloy
- Designed by Phil Hardy
- For a smoother sound, it is recommended to tarnish the copper
- Made in England
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