Best MusicNomad MN800 Fretboard Protector Alternatives
We found 4 alternatives to MusicNomad MN800 Fretboard Protector based on experts and consumers reviews.
PRS Polish ACC-3111

Based on 3 reviews
After buying a PRS guitar, I bought the cleaning products. Why? because in my opinion they will more than likely t suit the paint work for that brand best. Normally I use car cleaning products to clean and polish a guitar, but after spending 3 and a half grand on a guitar, im not taking any chances. This is a good polish, and it will last you for years as you only use a little bit each time you polish the guitar. Use the prs guitar cleaner for day to day cleaning, and this stuff for giving it a good clean when you are changing strings.
Dunlop Fingerboard Cleaner 01

Based on 2 reviews
Have been using this product for many years as it is simply the best fingerboard cleaner on the market. You only need a little bit of product, so the bottle will last a long way. It cleans up even the most dirty fingerboard, and it doesn't leave any residue. Just make sure to condition the fretboard after using the cleaner.
Fender CS Deluxe Guitar Care Kit

Based on 9 reviews
I can't say enough good things about this kit. It is a complete package, that includes the fret board remedy as well, which not only conserves but also restores old wood - make sure you use it on an untreated fret board though! The quick detailer does exactly what it says it does. It's a very effective way to bring a true shine to your instruments, however if you need a proper, deep clean then the cleaning agent with the polishing paste will do the job! Buy two just to make sure you are stocked up. They do seem to last forever though. Only a minimal application is more than enough. Word of advice. Use gloves for longer work. I noticed that my skin does not like prolonged contact with these products, but again that could be just me
Gibson AIGG-RK1

Based on 28 reviews
How did I ever live without this? After you use it you'll really notice how dirty your guitar was. All the elements do their job perfectly, leaving your guitar brand new and much much more player friendly. The metal cleaner is easy to use and won't leave a mess. The fretboard cleaner plus the little brush will leave your arm brand new and so so smooth. The finishing polish is so good it cleans and restores everything to its original shiny state. Great thing about this it protects against the next wear and tear and it'll leave you mindful to keep cleaning your guitar, because, after realizing how dirty mine was, it really did sell me on the fact that if you don't keep your stuff clean, it'll get ruined faster. The doses are nice, just a few dips on the cloth and ready to use. Will...