Studio 49 AX500 Alto Xylophone
Alto Xylophone

Technical Data
- Manufactured by Studio 49
- Released in 2006
- Average price : $213
- Easycussion series
- With pentatonic tone sequence cdegac
- 6 Bars (36 x 16 mm)
- Incl. 2 mallets PKS 4
- Dimensions: 38 x 34 x 11 cm
- Thanks to the pentatonic this xylophone always has a harmonious sound no matter the order in which the notes are played.
- Notation both c-d-e as well as do-re-mi to the sound plates
- Ideally suited for musical accompaniment and playing simple tunes
- Compact design allows you to play while sitting - on the lap or on the table
- Easy playing thanks to extra wide bars
- Permanently mounted sound panels and attached to the instrument drumsticks offer an instrument that is always ready to be played
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