Studio 49 RXC 3050/V A=443Hz
Concert Xylophone

Technical Data
- Manufactured by Studio 49
- Released in 2010
- Average price : $4755
- Adjustable
- Tonal range 3.5 octaves f1 - c5, A = 443 Hz
- Sound bars made of the best, selected Honduras rosewood (Dalbergia stevensonii)
- The patented instrument head allows the player to arrange the halftone row with just a few movements, either leveled, raised and overlapping
- Very easy to adjust in height (79 - 94 cm)
- Foldable stand for quick transportation
- Sound bars: 40 x 23 mm
- Dimensions: 139 x 64 cm
- Includes cover and a pair of 118, 023 and 024 mallets
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