Universal Audio Lexicon 224 Dig. Reverb Native
Reverb Plugin
Technical Data
- Manufactured by Universal Audio
- Released in 2023
- Average price : $413
- Careful emulation of the legendary 1978 Lexicon 224 digital reverb, with its eight classic reverb programs and complementary chorus
- Uses the same algorithms and source code of the Lexicon hardware for the typical 1980s sound
- Exact replica of the original circuit with its sound-defining 12-bit AD/DA converters and input transformers
- Original typical user interface supplemented with hidden contemporary functions and advanced settings such as input and output levels, pitch shift, bug fix mode, etc.
- Numerous artist presets
- Shipping Format: E-Mail
- License validity: perpetual
- Simultaneous Activations: 1
- Windows: from 10 (64-Bit)
- Mac OS (64 Bit): from 10.15
- CPU min.: Intel Core, AMD Mutlicore, Apple Silicon
- RAM min.: 8 GB
- HD Storage min.: 10 GB
- add. System requirements: Internet Connection for Installation and Activation, iLok License Manager
- AAX native 64-Bit
- AU 64-Bit
- VST3 64-Bit
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