Best Visaton FRWS 4 ND Alternatives
We found 3 alternatives to Visaton FRWS 4 ND based on experts and consumers reviews.
Visaton FRS 8M

Based on 3 reviews
Started with two of these in a sealed cabinet and wasn't happy with the bass response, calculated and added a reflex tube and it really opened up these little speakers, would recommend, build quality is excellent.
Visaton FR 58

Based on 1 reviews
Grate sound, good build quality, exactly what i was expecting...
Visaton FRS 7-8 Ohm

Based on 1 reviews
We have mounted these FRS7 SPEAKERS OF VISATON FOR THE PAST 6 YEARS IN HUNDREDS OF TRUCKS EQUIPPED WITH OUR COMMUNICATION/TRACKING EQUIPMENT AND WE HAVE VERY POSITIVE FEEDBACK ON THE CLARITY AND VOLUME IN THIS CHALLENGING ENVIRONMENT; A+ IN COMBINATION WITH THE FRS7 Protection Grille we get an embedded speaker in the dashboard that blends well with it's surroundings. Given the lack of space in today's truck dashboards the small depth of the speaker is a trump. And even when so small there is no compromise to the sound rendering. A+ again.