Behringer K450FX Reviews

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2 years ago

Great Rehearsal Room Amp

Great for keyboard when working with a largish (35) group of singers. Good for vocals too but would consider some more powerful and a greater tonal range if being used for performance

2 years ago

Good amplifier

It's got great sounds with a portable size, not too heavy for gigging.

5 years ago

Great little unit !

Does everything I need at the moment! I use it for my synthesizer, and you can run your mic through it and other stuff whether you're doing a small venue or jamming, the price is really nice too, I love the effects option on the board as well.

6 years ago

I don't demand too much of this compact amp but it sure does all I ask of it. Haven't played very much with the effects but more than covers my needs. Plenty loud enough (Wife says too loud) for domestic use and a variety of sound available via the effective tone controls. Come on! What do you want for under a hundred and fifty quid (Euros....don't know?)

Image Behringer K450FX

Technical Data

  • Manufactured by Behringer
  • Released in 2006
  • Average price : $238
  • Weight : 14.6kg
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