Best Der Mann mit der Maschine Droid Master Alternatives
We found 6 alternatives to Der Mann mit der Maschine Droid Master based on experts and consumers reviews.
Doepfer A-160-5 VC Clock Multiplier

Based on 3 reviews
This is a really useful module for enhancing the rhythmic possibilities of your euro-rack system. Great for generating snare or tom type rolls as well as making previously straight 16th sequences more complex by adding extra steps and skips. Also fun to trigger envelope-vca to apply complex pulses to your audio. Many uses. The A-160-5 is only 4hp wide, so if your looking for a bit of clock fun in not much room it is a good option. There are other multipliers out there - this by Doepfer is a bit different, as it offers 3 unique types of multiplication (all 3 going to a max of x 16), selectable by a simple toggle switch. In addition the the amount of multiplication can be set with the front panel knob or controlled by a voltage. This means, you can either wiggle the knob to adjust the...
Behringer 961 Interface

Based on 1 reviews
Almost required when working with Behringer 911 Eurorack envelope modules. I use a Polyend Poly 2 to convert midi control (from DAW or keyboard) to v-triggers and cv’s. The 961 transforms the v-triggers to s-triggers to drive my 911 envelope modules are used various ways. The A inputs function well and I’m not yet sure why 6 per channel are ever needed. The B inputs are more of a wired-or for multiple triggers and use a monostable one-shot to time the pulse width. Very well built. I need a 2nd 961 for synth voices 3 and 4. Good price. For more information, I suggest looking at the websites of guys who have done moog restorations since Behringer has been faithful to the operational details. Bonus tip... I'm a newbie for Eurorack form-factor and I've been bugged that this...
Doepfer A-160-2 Clock Divider II

Based on 12 reviews
I got this new Deeper clock divider to add to my arsenal of clock dividers and multipliers - you can never have enough clocks! This is a really sweet addition for anyone who wants to add complexity to their clock system in the euro-rack, since not only does it produce the 'standard' 2,4,8,16 divisions it also goes up to 32, 64 and 128. But if that wasn't enough, it offers prime number divisions, which can make for crazy off beat timings at 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13.... not enough? Then it also does a straight count from 2 all the way up to 8. The module is switchable to produce triggers or gate outputs too. All this in a tiny 4hp of rack space. Build quality is to the usual high standard offered by Dopfer; nice switches and smooth sockets. I have this sat next to a 4ms rotating clock...
Doepfer A-151

Based on 10 reviews
If you are yet to get your head around what a sequential switch does and how you'd use it, the a151 can take an input and route it to up to four different outputs (or vice versa, can be used the opposite way round to route four inputs to one output), selected sequentially by sending a trig. There is also a reset trig input for jumping back to the first step (useful for resetting polyrhythms, for example). "So what?", you may be thinking... The awesome power of switches becomes apparent when you get your hands on one and start patching. Some ideas: Put 4 different audio rate oscillator waveshapes to the four inputs and advance the steps at audio rate, you now have a nice complex wave coming out. Put 4 constant cvs to the inputs and you have an up to 4 step cv sequencer, great...
Doepfer A-162

Based on 5 reviews
A dual module that offers a number of possibilities. I use it to adjust the gate time of a clock signal or to divide down the clock signal (these are both done with just the gate length control). With a logic module interesting rhythms can be created very simply and with asymetrical patterns or swing. I also use it to add delayed vibrato and other modulations to my sounds. The delay can be exceptionally long as can the gate length. And of course the all important LEDs to let you know what the module is doing. I have only rated the sound as okay as this module doesn't produce or modify sounds itself (although if you put an audio signal through it you get a really crunched up distortion!)
Doepfer A-150

Based on 2 reviews
This small, unassuming module is useful for all sorts of things. The trick is to think as laterally as possible, which is always good advice when using a modular synthesiser. When feeding it a slow gate, such as the accent from a TB-303 style step sequencer, you can make certain notes have quirky features. For example, most notes can go through a filter's low-pass mode, while accented ones go through its high-pass mode. Or most notes can be square waves while the accented ones are sawtooth waves. But the distinction between a control voltage and an audio signal is arbitrary. Audible, even tuned square waves can be thought of as very fast gates. So using an oscillator's square wave output, you can alternate between waveforms and filter types and anything else you can imagine so fast that...