Best Chauvet DJ GigBAR Bridge ILS Alternatives

We found 7 alternatives to Chauvet DJ GigBAR Bridge ILS based on experts and consumers reviews.

Stairville CLB5 RGB WW Compact LED Bar 5

Stairville CLB5 RGB WW Compact LED Bar 5

Based on 5 reviews

A pair of these will light a good sized pub/club sized stage really well with great colour and sound to light presets. I bought a pair of these to light my five-piece band and linked them in master/slave mode with a DMX cable which works really well with a good range of very useable presets including sequencing and strobing effects if you don’t want to get into light programming. These lights are quite small and quick to set up, which is a bonus from a transportation point of view and makes them useable in tight spaces, but they pack a punch and I have lit a large function stage without a problem. The warm-white component really helps with great yellow and orange colours, which standard RGB lights often struggle with, and of course, a nice white light. They come in a decent...

Stairville LED Lighting Kit PAR56 Black

Stairville LED Lighting Kit PAR56 Black

Based on 1 reviews

First of all, i am really liking these lights as part of a basic light setup for a band. DMX cables plugged in smoothly as did the euro plug power cables and power cable. All good and solid. Better instruction on securing the light bracket/screws underneath the dmx power bar would have been a bonus, but this in no way diminishes the overal product package as i assume most people would have a basic knowledge already of putting these together or could watch youtube :-) Anyway, straight from the box, all worked without problems for me. The LED lights working really well as independant lights, all flashing nicely in time to the music. leds are bright and colourful and solid construction throughout on each par unit. Overall this setup works great with an additional dmx controller and all very...

Stairville CLB2.4 Compact LED Par System

Stairville CLB2.4 Compact LED Par System

Based on 41 reviews

Bought these for our band as part of a bundle, and having had experience with various light systems over the last 10 years these Stairville CLB2.4's are simply superb. The degree of light spread from the units is excellent, not too narrow, not too wide. Meanwhile the brightness is surprisingly strong, great for situations where you have a dark venue. I haven't had the opportunity to fully take advantage of the DMX control, however the built-in programs (which can be customized) are perfectly good. If I was to nit-pick, I would mention that the 'sound' program mode does get a little stroboscopic and distracting, so use it with care. In summary, a superb product at a great price, highly recommended.

Stairville CLB8 RGBW Compact LED Bar 8

Stairville CLB8 RGBW Compact LED Bar 8

Based on 5 reviews

I run primarily a sound company for all sorts of live music. Lights were always a bit of an afterthought until quite recently. I had replaced my 300w generic par cans with some secondhand led lights, but found them to be lacking in brightness, so I read every review and thought that a pair of these might do the job. I wasn't disappointed! They are very quick to set up and are very bright. They will fill a 40ft trailer stage with ease. I have used them both as a standalone and with a PC based DMX set up. The case is worth a mention, as it is light and does a great job of protecting the lights. It is worth mentioning that their fixture profile was easily found on my control software. Highly recommended.

Stairville CLB4 RGB Compact LED Bar 4

Stairville CLB4 RGB Compact LED Bar 4

Based on 24 reviews

We just bought two of the Stairville CLB4 Compact LED Bar and used them at three gigs. They are installed quickly eithor on two stands or on a traverse, for which two threads are added at the top of the bar. For such small dimensons the light is really bright. Here we are completley satisfied. The quality I just rated with four stars, because some parts, for example plugs, differ one from another. This makes it look like we got it repaired by oureselfes, which isn't helpful if you want to sell them again. But for us it is not that important because are going to keep them a long time. We also liked the fact that it comes with a solid hardcase so you can easily transport it with the other stuff in the car.

Stairville CLB5 2P RGB WW Compact LED Bar

Stairville CLB5 2P RGB WW Compact LED Bar

Based on 2 reviews

I got two of these when downsizing my rig. I use them for my solo gigs and so far they have been spot on. There's plenty of illumination for me on my own but I susspect they would be equally useful for a duo or even trio. I use the lights with a foot switch to enable me to be self contained and have found there to be plenty of variation in the pre-sets but they could be used with DMX to get even more out of them. The included cases are great as they protects the lights perfectly without having to go to the extra expense of cases that would probably not be the right size anyway. A great size to be able to fit in small spaces either in use or in transport plus you can carry one in each hand with comfort. I would highly recomend this product to any solo or duo and even concider them for...

Ape Labs TableLight V2 Set of 2 C

Ape Labs TableLight V2 Set of 2 C

Based on 1 reviews

Es lietoju Ape labs V2 max! Vēlējos papildināt savu arsenālu ar Ape Table can, taču manuprāt pielietojums ir ierobežots jo der tikai dažās situācijās, bet cena ir diezgan augsta ,protams, ka pievienotā vērtība ir programmatūra un visu produktu vadība! Kopumā vērtēju labi! Iespējams, ka pārāk maza konkurence šajā segmentā šo cenu arī notur, protams, arī pieprasījums! Pie V2 max iegādājos vēl divus max v2 ar 45’, bet diemžēl viena izlādējās uz pusi ātrāk! Esmu izmēģinājis visus paņēmienus ko iesaka Ape labs pārstāvji, bet nav rezultāta! Kopumā...

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