Best Kiloview N3-s HD NDI Converter Alternatives

We found 7 alternatives to Kiloview N3-s HD NDI Converter based on experts and consumers reviews.

Blackmagic Design Mini Converter UpDownCross HD

Blackmagic Design Mini Converter UpDownCross HD

Based on 6 reviews

Once set up as you want it. this device is perfect - flawlessly converting formats. Great build quality too. If your use case is fit and forget then it's flawless. If you carry it around as a general problem solver and have to grapple with the DIP switches then it can be frustrating working out what's on and what's off on the settings diagram screen-printed on the case. Could so easily be solved - although ideally it would have individual switches for resolution, frame rate, interlacing, etc.

Blackmagic Design MC BiDirect. SDI/HDMI 3G wPSU

Blackmagic Design MC BiDirect. SDI/HDMI 3G wPSU

Based on 4 reviews

It works really well for the price. I understand that there may be stronger, more reliable scalers on the market but for a BiDirectional converter that can run 24/7 I have been really impressed. I would consider getting the slightly cheaper version that comes without a Power Supply Unit if I plan on adding in any extra TV's to my system as you can run a USBA to USBC cable to 5 Volt power to turn it on directly from the TV.

Blackmagic Design MC HDMI-SDI 3G w. PSU

Blackmagic Design MC HDMI-SDI 3G w. PSU

Based on 3 reviews

You can trust original converters to always to work properly. In our case we cant afford any problems in video feed or the product not to be as promised (happened almost all times with cheaper converters). Thats why we bought the original Blackmagic converters.

Blackmagic Design MC HDMI-SDI 3G

Blackmagic Design MC HDMI-SDI 3G

Based on 2 reviews

I use this live to switch between visuals on screens and also a live camera feed. And in our virtual studio for switching between cameras. Can't go wrong at this price for a seamless mixer that doesn't drop a hdmi signal during the switch. Like cheap hdmi switchers of ten display "so signal" on TVs between switches. This is seamless. If you want to view all the sources before switching like in TV studio, get the pro version ;-)

Blackmagic Design ATEM Streaming Bridge

Blackmagic Design ATEM Streaming Bridge

Based on 3 reviews

Used with the ATEM mini Pro to stream via the internet. Once you've sorted out port-forwarding to get round fire walls it works really well. There's a very good instruction vid by one of the Blackmagic guys on their website which explains exactly what the unit is capable of. It's also very useful to provide another program output from the ATEM mini pro if plugged directly into the ethernet connection of your unit. This leaves the ATEM mini pro's HDMI output available to provide a multi view out of your inputs, whilst getting a program out on HDMI or SDI from the Streaming bridge. Not used it much yet, but so far it has performed faultlessly. A great bit of kit.

Blackmagic Design Web Presenter HD

Blackmagic Design Web Presenter HD

Based on 1 reviews

Excellent piece of gear to give the older ATEM line of switchers the streaming capability of the ATEM Minis. I bought this mainly with the idea of doing the same as the LiveUSolo on a budget and allowing a camera operator to stream back to studio to a ATEM Streaming Bridge with minimal training required. But it surpassed this and I've used it to stream beside by ATEM Mini simultaneously to other platforms, often with better results. The one advantage over the ATEM Mini is you can scale and change your streaming setting without pausing the stream. Plus its Monitor Output has excellent streaming information. One niggle I have found is that it occasionally refuses to stream despite pressing the On Air button or in software and requires a quick reboot whereupon it works flawlessly.

Blackmagic Design MC SDI-HDMI 3G

Blackmagic Design MC SDI-HDMI 3G

Based on 1 reviews

This is a very sturdily built breakout box with one simple task: convert your SDI signal to HDMI. It has a USB-C port for power as well as to connect to a host PC (more on that in a sec) - though you can also order the converter with an external PSU - as well as an SDI out to send your signal to another SDI device further downstream such as an LCD monitor or EVF. For such an inexpensive and small device, it adds a nice feature: you can upload a 3D LUT to allow you to monitor your image on set with a specific look, to judge exposure, gamma/contrast curves etc, which not all monitors or EVFs support. However, with the latest firmware (as of Feb 21), based on forum posts, it appears several of these units are "faulty" (hopefully solved with a bugfix) and do not display the image...

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